
Games You Can Play on a Picnic


Detective Killer

Minimum 4 Players, Maximum no limit
Make small chits as many as the no. of players you have. On 1st chit, write DETECTIVE, on 2nd write KILLER & on the rest write SAFEMAN. Shuffle the chits & everyone would pick one. The one getting Detective chit would say aloud ‘I am detective’. The detective has to find the killer. And the killer would blink eyes hiding from Detective. The safeman who would see killer blinking would say ‘I’m dead.’ If the killer kills all the safeman before detective catches him, the killer (person with killer chit) wins and detective loses. If detective catches the killer, killer loses and detective wins.

Pass the Gift

Minimum 3 Players, Maximum no limit
It is similar to musical chairs. Make chits one less than the no. of players. On each chit write one dare to do. Now, start making the gift. Take one chit and wrap it like a gift. Take 2nd chit, put it on the wrapped one and wrap it again. Repeat it until all the chits are wrapped in layers one after another. Now, you have a colorful packed secret gift. Sit in a circle, play music and start passing the gift. Stop the music & the one having the gift at that moment will tear up the first wrapping. He would have to do the dare as a punishment written on the chit & then he would be out of the game. The one staying till the end would be the winner.

Find Your Pair

Condition-Even no. of Players
Make chits as many as the no. of players. Make some random pairs (for example, A1 and A2 form a pair, king and queen form a pair, god and goddess form a pair.) and write names of pairs on chits. Shuffle the chits and everyone would take one chit. Suppose player 1 got the chit of queen then he will have to guess which player has got king.  Everyone will write his guessed partners name on a blank page. After everyone has guessed & written partners name, one by one read the name you’ve guessed. If you as well as your chit partner guessed correct, both will get 100 points. If only one partner guessed correct, he/she will get only 50 points. If anyone else also guesses correct your partner’s name, he will also get 50 points. Count your points at last and the one with maximum points wins.

Question Shuffle

Minimum 3 Players, Maximum no limit
Take small paper and distribute it to each player. Everyone will write a question (having one word answer) on the blank paper. Fold the paper to hide your question. Pass your chit to your neighboring player. Write the answer of your question on the chit you got without looking at its question.  Again fold the paper to hide the answer. Return the chit back to its owner. You now have your own chit. Read your question and the shuffled answer you got aloud. It would definitely make you laugh.
Variation- You can add a variation. After writing the answer, do not return it back to its owner but instead, pass it to the next neighbor and he will read your chit. Now, you will write your next question in the chit you have got and not on your original one. Likewise, passing adds fun.

You can write questions like-
Q) I want to become a/an-
Q) I love to drink-
Q) My favorite color-
Q) X’s love to eat-
When you get answers like I love to drink rose or I want to become alien, it really adds up to your fun.


Minimum 3 Players, Maximum no limit
Sit in a circle. One player will start the game. Suppose you are starting the game. You will tell your neighbor a sentence secretly without letting others hear it. Your neighbor will tell the same sentence to his neighbor. The process goes on till the last player gets the sentence. Now, he will speak that sentence aloud. If he speaks the right sentence then ok. If he speaks something wrong, his previous player will speak aloud that he told the last player. If he speaks the right sentence, it means the last player heard wrong. He will be punished by completing a dare. If the last 2nd player also speaks wrong sentence, ask his previous player to speak the sentence aloud. Similarly, find the player who changed the sentence.

Tip- To make this game interesting, use Tongue Twisters or long funny/confusing sentences.

Name, Place, Animal, Thing

Minimum 2 Players, Maximum no limit
Each player will take a blank page. Make four columns, Name, Place, Animal and Thing. Now, one player would start saying A B C D…. loudly and another one will say stop. The letter at which 1st player stops is the name letter. Without wasting time you have to write name, place, animal name and thing or object to the respective columns. If you have completed each column, you will say aloud STOP and everyone would have to stop the game. Now, check for similar terms. If any two players have written the same name or animal or place or thing, your answer cancels out. For each correct answer, you will get 10 points. For example, if none of your answers matches with anyone and you have written all 4, you earn 40 points. No name letter can be repeated.

Word to Mini Word

Minimum 2 Players, Maximum no limit
Take a big word and use its letters to form small words. If a letter comes twice in the big word, you can’t use it more than twice in your small words. You can use it single but not more than twice. Different verb forms of the same verb can’t be used. It will be considered writing the same word twice. Take a time limit and after the time ends give your page to your neighboring player and then check for the common word. Each common word even between any two players would be cancelled. After matching the whole, count the no. of words left. The one with maximum no. of words left wins.

For example, for the big word DICTIONARY, some of the small words that can be made are try, or, at, action, on, it, in, to, ton, tin, torn….

More games that can be played are-the
Musical Chairs, Passing the ball, Truth-Dare, Crossword, Guess Riddles

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